Jul 01 2020

The Wretched - Play log

This is an actual-play log of the solo tabletop rpg “The Wretched”, which can be found here:

Playthrough 1

Day 1

Salvage ship The Wretched. Flight Engineer Tom Connor reporting.

The other members of the crew are dead and the engines remain non-operational, though ship integrity remains good and life support systems are still active. I successfully jettisoned the intruder from the airlock, but it remains alive and continues to try to access the ship.

With a little luck I can repair the distress beacon and somebody will pick me up.

This is Tom Connor, the last survivor of the Wretched, signing off.

Day 2

Salvage ship The Wretched. Flight Engineer Tom Connor reporting.

I can hear the creature scratching against the hull of the ship. I think it is affecting my psyche more than I want to admit. I had to leave towards the centre of the ship to get a break from that horrible scratching, but by doing so I accidentally found myself right outside the officers mass where the carnage is still left. I tried not to look at it, when a slight movement caught my eye. It's Lt Banners goddamn cat, still alive (was it actually drinking the blood on the floor?). I managed to save mr Midnight while constantly massing “The distress beacon! The distress beacon! The distress beacon!".

I don't understand why I couldn't activate the distress beacon from the bridge, it must have been damaged. I need to investigate that tomorrow.

And goddamn Lt Banner put a picture of his wife in mr Midnights collar! Who does that?!? I removed it and threw it away. I cannot stand being constantly reminded of the crew and their goddamn families. I need to stay… sharp.

This is Tom Connor, the last survivor of the Wretched, and mr Midnight, signing off.

Day 3

Salvage ship The Wretched. Flight Engineer Tom Connor reporting.

Spent most of the day trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with the engines. No luck. I know just as little now as I did before. Good news though! I actually managed to activate the distress beacon! Now I just need to wait for someone to pick it up… that might take a while. Quite a while…

I thought the fact that mr Midnight was with me would calm my nerves. It doesn't. He looks at me with those green eyes and all I can think of is that he enjoys seeing me like this.

Note, the tower was almost falling at this point. No way I could even draw one more. I had also assembled it wrong, so I decided to start over…

Playthrough 2

Day 2

Salvage ship The Wretched. Flight Engineer Tom Connor reporting.

This day was one of the most intense in my life, and I fear I will not survive for very long if shall continue like this.

I could not leave my comrades in that state. Collecting them and dragging them into the airlock to give them a proper burial was not only a very tough physical task, but also took a hard hit on my psyche. Covered in their blood, dragging them through the corridors marked with the deep gouges from the claws of that… thing. Only to find that I could not get myself to activate the airlock once they were there. Instead I broke down and cried.

That was when the creature broke through.

In some kind of berserk rage it started attacking the hull of the ship with its long claws and fangs and in a few seconds punched a small hole in it. The fail safe system kicked in immediately and sealed of the entire section (gee, thanks fail safe system… how about you could have that distress beacon work as good as the automatic system to seal off sections in which I currently occupy). I managed to close the airlock, but I could still see in to it through the small window of reinforced glass.

I had to use a blowtorch to cut a hole in the door, all while the creature were clawing its way in to the airlock. It took several hours (for both of us) to get an opening to squeeze thorugh. All the while I heard its crazy clicking laughter. When I was done I quickly turned around and could see it standing there, completely still, watching me through the small window.

I managed to flee and sealed off the entire docking section. To be extra sure I even detached it from the rest of the ship and saw it slowly drift away into the darkness.

You think that was enough for one day? Then it was also the fire… it has been a long day. Tomorrow has to be a better day! This is Tom Connor, the last survivor of the Wretched, signing off.

Day 3

Salvage ship The Wretched. Flight Engineer Tom Connor reporting.

It seems that fire I briefly mentioned yesterday took out most of the lights inside the ship. In order to repair it I had to crawl into a really narrow service tunnel filled with electrical cables.

Here the jenga tower fell, indicating critical system failiure, and my death. This game is hard!!