Shader Week, Day 1
I have collected a number of interesting resources for starting to get acquainted with writing shaders in Unity, so I have decided to devote an hour a day this week to start going through them (I think I can manage an hour a day, but not sure… I’m currently on parental leave with my two 11-months twin girls. I’ll do as best as I can).
Here are the resources
After this first hour I’ve gone through the first Shader101 in the top link. Simple stuff. Drawing colors and/or a texture to a quad. With and without transperancy.

However, the tutorial lacked depth. And I spent the rest of the hour trying to find out more about the sampler2D-class used to sample pixels from the texture to the quad. Without luck.
However I found an interesting link on how to make Visual Studio better at writing shader code. Will look at it tomorrow!